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SEO & Ads 2.0: The Era of AI-powered Search

SEO | Digital Marketing

SEO & Ads 2.0: The Era of AI-powered Search

The emergence of OpenAI’s ChatGPT artificial intelligence has opened the doors to a completely new world. Today, not only major technology companies but also startups are developing solutions based on artificial intelligence.

Reading time: 4 min.

Recently, Microsoft announced the acquisition of a portion of OpenAI and the incorporation of ChatGPT into its browser, Bing (the successor to the defunct Internet Explorer), which has been named BingGPT. Not wanting to be left behind, Google announced that it is making significant advancements in its AI Bard, which will be incorporated into the company’s browser.

Our team was invited to test BingGPT, and from what we have tested, there are many great things to come. To explain it better, we have prepared a list of 3 reasons why artificial intelligence in search engines will REVOLUTIONIZE the way we talk about SEO and SEM and how to prepare for this new era.


Right off the bat, BingGPT makes it clear that it interacts by understanding keywords. Based on our research, it shows that it extracts the most relevant information and performs searches for you based on that term.
In the search for a restaurant in the Bixiga neighborhood, it extracted the most relevant information.

When delivering the answer, the tool not only provides snippets from the websites it searched but also includes links right below the answer, allowing you to access more information from there.

In this way, the tool creates a platform for organic content where it displays the best links related to what you are searching for. Whether it’s long-tail or short-tail keywords, this platform is another one that should be added to your business’s Content Marketing strategy.


In the end, it is clear that it is ESSENTIAL to be among the top 3-5 search results through good SEO and an optimized website. Through our SEO analysis and consulting service, you can rely on an HD.M expert to devise an improvement plan and start preparing for this new era.


None, I repeat… NONE of the results presented by the tool displayed links from SOCIAL MEDIA (at least when it comes to businesses. If you have a LinkedIn profile, ask Bing, “Who is [your name]?” and don’t be surprised). In other words, BingGPT prioritizes more immersive experiences, leading the user into a knowledge acquisition journey.
Even though the first “learn more” link is from Tripadvisor, all the texts are directly linked to the restaurants’ websites, and in the “Learn more” section, the other links are blogs or even the restaurants’ websites.

This journey will belong to the sites that have the best copy, proper keyword positioning, and optimization within speed rankings.

The result?

Clearly, it will create a scenario where two types of businesses are formed in the digital world: those that are remembered and those that are forgotten.


Having clarity about your company’s objectives and content marketing strategy will be essential to be remembered, even by AI. Additionally, it will be necessary to keep an eye on your website’s performance to ensure that it is optimized, fast, and free of issues. If you don’t know where to start with this work, HD.M has a dedicated SEO team to ensure that your website functions perfectly and your content is optimized.


Although artificial intelligence is gaining strength and adoption in various businesses, it is still a very expensive tool for companies to maintain without monetizing it. Considering the competition between search engines, Google vs. Bing, it is possible to predict that both will apply their Search Ads platforms to results generated by artificial intelligence.

Just like Google did with YouTube by enabling ads before and during videos, as well as on partner sites (that have Google AdSense installed), the tendency is for this logic to be applied to results generated by Artificial Intelligence.

In this way, the strategic mix of paid media will take on a new form, where experts in your business will need to decide which platforms to invest in (Google or Bing) and, most importantly, what advertising formats will be created. This transforms how the company’s marketing KPIs are structured.


Even though this aspect of SEM for AI-generated results is not yet implemented, it is logical to expect that it will be soon. To prepare for it, mapping your keywords, simulating and understanding how much your market is investing in paid media platforms can give you an idea of how much you should actually invest and allow you to plan an extra budget for when AI-generated ads arrive. At HD.M, the SEM team assists with these simulations to give you a better understanding of what to expect, how much to invest, and also to create and launch your campaigns.


This entire scenario is drawing a new frontier in Digital Marketing, expanding the capabilities, analyses, and scopes of projects. The competition will become increasingly fierce, and a strategy that adapts to these challenges will be necessary.

In general, understanding what your target audience is searching for and HOW they are searching for it will bring more clarity when deciding on the ideal mix of content marketing, SEO, and SEM that your business should follow.


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